Monday 3 March 2014

No.9 - Memories - Education and School Trips

I can't say that I can remember much about the education side of school life. Was that why we were there?

I do remember that we read Janet and John books, numbered 1,2,3 etc., but I always seemed to be behind on these. As for Arithmetic, I think we may have had abacus frames for counting in addition to those small cowry shells.

We also did role playing as can be seen from the two photographs of the bus and train stations. In the corner of each classroom was a storeroom where all the materials, equipment and play costumes were kept.

Did we go on school trips? I can just remember one bus trip to Lady Mable College of Physical Education in Wentworth House. I think we were probably being used to assist the students in their training, as we were in some hall doing PE with them - skittles, beanbags, find an open space etc., the usual drill! It may well have been in the Marble Salon where the priceless stone-inlaid floor had been covered by a protective flooring.

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